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Marisa HeinzeSeptember 28, 2022

Metabolism boost: lose weight efficiently and healthily with intermittent fasting

Anyone who is looking for weight loss strategies will certainly come across the topic of interval fasting, or intermittent fasting, when doing research. This diet is very popular with many people and promises success in losing weight. In this article we deal with the question "Lose weight faster through intermittent fasting - is that possible?" and explain to you exactly what this diet is all about.

What is intermittent fasting?

As the name suggests, eating is avoided for a longer period of time every day with this method. The time window in which you eat food is limited to a few hours. Most advocates of this the intermittent fasting method fast for 16 hours a day and eat their meals for the remaining 8 hours. But there are also people who make their fasting window longer or shorter.
Fasting has a long tradition and was already practiced by our ancestors. They often had to search for food for hours and therefore underwent long fasting periods.
During the fasting phase, you can have drinks such as water, unsweetened tea or black coffee. You should drink enough throughout the day to keep your body well hydrated. Sugary drinks, alcohol and coffee with milk are not allowed during the fast.

How can this diet method help to stimulate the metabolism?

So, can you lose weight faster with intermittent fasting than with a "regular" diet? It's certainly possible. Many people swear by intermittent fasting because it gives them the opportunity to boost their metabolism. If nothing is eaten for a long period of time, the body draws energy from the fat cells instead of the carbohydrates in the food. The hormone balance is also positively influenced by fasting. You can find more information about stimulating the metabolism here.

What are the benefits of intermittent fasting?

A major benefit of alternating between eating and fasting periods is, that you give your body longer breaks to digest. We're used to being surrounded by food all the time, and rarely take long breaks between meals. With intermittent fasting, the fasting phases are deliberately lengthened. As described above, this boosts metabolism and fat burning.
Unfortunately, there are only a few studies that scientifically prove the benefits of intermittent fasting. However, the advocates of the diet report not only positive effects in reducing weight, but also better blood sugar levels, more energy and better skin.

What are the risks of intermittent fasting?

Intermittent fasting can be safely implemented by most people. Exceptions are people with previous illnesses, such as diabetes or thyroid dysfunction. Children, the elderly, and women who are pregnant or breastfeeding, should also avoid this method. To ensure that you can integrate fasting into your everyday life in a healthy way, you can consult a doctor beforehand.
In order for the diet method to have a positive effect on your health, you should drink enough liquids throughout the day. Your meals should also consist of healthy foods. These include vitamin-rich vegetables and fruits, healthy sources of fat and protein, and complex carbohydrates.

What is the difference between the 20/4 and 16/8 methods?

As already mentioned, there are different ways to shape your diet. The 20/4 method involves fasting for 20 hours and eating over 4 hours. For example, you could fast until 4 p.m. each day and then eat your meals until 8 p.m. Then you start a new fasting phase. The 16/8 method involves fasting for 16 hours and eating for 8 hours. In everyday life, it could look like this: You skip breakfast in the morning and fast until lunch at 12 noon. After that, you have until 8 p.m. to eat any other meals.
In addition to the 20/4 and 16/8 methods, there are other ways to integrate intermittent fasting into everyday life. The right method for you depends on your lifestyle and preferences.

What is there to consider?

In order for you to be successful with intermittent fasting, you should consider a few things: First, it is very important that this method fits your everyday life and lifestyle. The method is not a short-term diet, but a long-term change. If you find it difficult not to eat breakfast in the morning, don't force yourself to fast until noon. Instead, start eating earlier in the day and start fasting again in the afternoon.
It is also important that you eat healthily and make sure that your calorie balance is right at the end of the day. If you eat too many calories during the eating window, you will gain weight despite intermittent fasting. In addition to eating healthily and nutriciously, you should also exercise regularly to keep fit.
Our experts in the EVO Studios will be happy to advise you in a free and non-binding trial session on which exercises you can do in addition to this form of nutrition to achieve your dream body and maintain it in the long term.


If you are looking for a diet that will help you lose weight and boost your metabolism, intermittent fasting is the right choice for you. This diet is uncomplicated and suitable for most people. In addition to the positive influence on the metabolism, it also promises other health benefits. Since you can adapt the eating and fasting phases individually to your needs, the method can be easily integrated into everyday life. For the best results and implementation, you can consult with and expert in advance.