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Marisa HeinzeFebruary 2, 2022

Sports against stress - Reasons for regular training

Some integrate it regularly into their daily routine, for others it is a real overcoming: sports. But especially for stress reduction, sports are ideally suited and a sustainable option to permanently increase the stress limit. Find out why sports are so successful against stress in this article.

How sports help against stress

Those who use sports to reduce stress not only stay longer healthy, but also create a sustainable basis for reducing stress in all situations of life. First of all, stress is a demanding situation and our body's natural reaction to it.
Within a few seconds, large amounts of cortisol, adrenaline and noradrenaline are released into the blood via the stress axis (hypothalamus to adrenal glands). For a short time, this stimulates our body to perform at its best. The blood sugar level and blood pressure rise, all senses are activated and your pulse beats faster.

Too much stress: affecting in the long run

Excessive amounts of cortisol and a constantly elevated level of adrenaline in the blood are bad for our organism in the long run. It can no longer come to rest due to the constant tension. As a result, we sleep less, feel exhausted and tense, are unable to concentrate and, on top of that, run the risk of slipping into depressions or even burnout.
The metabolic and hormonal balance is severely affected by the constant stress. Our immune system also suffers. Infections, strokes, inflammations, heart attacks, diabetes and even cancer can be the consequences of stress and its permanent burden.
The possible consequences of permanent stress factors:
  • Insomnia
  • Exhaustion
  • Lack of concentration
  • Depression
  • Burnout
  • Infections
  • Strokes
  • Inflammations
  • Diabetes
  • Heart attacks
  • Cancers

Advantages of sports for lowering stress

There are several benefits that are supported by regular physical activity. These are the benefits that training provides in terms of stress management:
  • You become more resilient.
  • You become happier.
  • Your hormones come into balance.
  • You benefit from mental fitness.
  • Your stress limit increases
Against stress, sports is an efficient way to prevent it and to adapt your body to the external load. Endurance sports such as Nordic walking, running and swimming are especially recommended. Competitive sports, on the other hand, could cause additional stress.
To reduce stress, sports are a real blessing. Those who engage in regular physical activity always release adrenaline, cortisol as well as noradrenaline. Over time, the body gets used to the stress and releases fewer of these hormones.
This is ideal especially in everyday life, because we consequently react much more calmly to stressful situations in the office, in traffic or also in the case of disagreements in our private life. Your stress level rises and you can therefore go through life in a much more relaxed and healthy way.

Sports: Proved to make you happy

People who use sports to reduce stress and regularly keep moving are simply happier all round. This is due not least to the happiness hormones that are released during Training. These work specifically against the stress hormones that are released.
In addition, blood sugar, blood lipids and stress hormone levels drop. All in all, sports against stress is an ideal option to live not only happier, but also healthier.
Worth knowing: serotonins and endorphins are released after just 30 minutes of jogging. Body chemistry can be very intoxicating as the hormones lift your mood tremendously.

Sports balances your hormones

When stress-promoting hormones are produced, they must of course be reduced again. This is where stress-reducing hormones are needed, which must be increasingly released by the body.
Training is a good option against stress, because the body gets more oxygen in the cells through regular exercise. Furthermore, our metabolism gets going. It is therefore much better equipped to deal with the stress hormones released and can break them down again more quickly.

Mentally fit through sports activity

Sporting activity stimulates the supply of oxygen and blood to the brain. If you go for a run, you can definitely call it "brain jogging". Fresh gray matter and mental fitness are the key to being more stress-free in everyday life. So the circle closes and your body comes into a beneficial balance when you exercise regularly.
All-around health: Training isn't the only wonderful cure for stress. Some foods release additional stress or some can just lower it. If you eat healthy and get enough exercise, you will get through life much easier.

Find the right sport

Choosing the right sports is crucial here. While some people are enthusiastic about soccer and other action-packed team sports, others prefer calmer movements. Even a walk can already reduce stress. In combination with nature, people definitely come to rest and can take some time for themselves.
Tip: Sufficient relaxation after athletic tension should not be missing. Through the interplay of muscles from relaxation as well as tension, your body comes into a noticeably healthier balance, from which you benefit in all areas of life.

Conclusion - Sports to recude stress

Those who incorporate sports against stress into their daily routine can often achieve quick results. After just half an hour of running, people feel much more balanced and happier. This is due not least to the release of endorphins and serotonins.
In addition, regular physical activity reduces the release of adrenaline, noradrenaline and cortisol. So you'll be less susceptible to stress in uncomfortable situations. So if you exercise regularly, whether with swimming, walking or team sports, you'll be more relaxed, healthier, and happier in the long run.