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Marisa HeinzeJune 15, 2020

With these Life Hacks you strengthen your immune system

A strong immune system is important to keep your body fit and healthy and to carry you through life day after day. A weakened immune system can make it easier for you to fall ill or to have other problems that can limit your daily activities. There are a few simple tricks that you can use to strengthen your immune system and that you can easily incorporate into your life.

You need sufficient sleep

Again and again you hear how important sufficient and regular sleep is. It also plays a big role for your immune system how many hours you sleep each night, whether you have a regular sleep rhythm and how deep and relaxing your sleep is. While you rest, many important biochemical processes take place in your body and you recover from the exertions of the day. A 2015 study by Sheldon Cohen shows that even a slight lack of sleep leads to a higher risk of catching a cold.
You can compensate for lack of sleep from a short night by taking a midday nap or a short rest. However, it is generally recommended to get about eight hours of sleep every night. In addition, you should not use electronic devices before going to bed, as these will keep you awake longer and lead to a restless sleep, which will give you less rest. Especially after an illness it is important to get enough sleep, because then your immune system is still somewhat weakened and needs time and rest to recover.

Lemon is a miracle cure

It is well known that by eating the right food you can contribute a great deal to your health and prevent many diseases and ailments, especially in old age. To strengthen your immune system, you can pay attention to many things, but a very special helper is the lemon. It is full of vitamins and minerals. Among other things, it contains large amounts of calcium, potassium, vitamin C and pectin as well as traces of vitamin A and iron. These substances strengthen your defences and at the same time strengthen your liver, which is responsible for detoxifying your body. To do something good for your body every day with lemon juice, there is a simple ritual you can get used to. Anyway, it is recommended to drink a big glass of water every day after getting up in order to supply your body with fluid. Just add some fresh lemon juice to the water and you will have done a great deal for your health in the morning.

Stay positive

What many people do not even think about is that physical health is closely linked to mental health. This also limits the activity of the immune system when you are in a bad mood. So try to free yourself quickly from negative feelings and do something good for yourself. This can be an encouraging conversation or a liberating walk in the sun, for example.
But there are also foods that help you to be happy and strengthen your immune system. Asparagus, for example, is one such food. The folic acid it contains helps to create a positive mood and it contains a lot of vitamin B, which is involved in the production of messenger substances. Spices also help to improve your mood. They have a stimulating effect and with hot spices such as pepper or chilli, the body reacts by releasing endorphins.

Superfoods help to ensure a healthy diet

As already mentioned, it is no secret that nutrition contributes to a healthy immune system. Of course, you are allowed to indulge in something unhealthy from time to time, as this in turn contributes to a good mood for contentment. However, you should make sure that you limit the consumption of sweets to a few exceptions and put other, healthy foods on the menu. These include oatmeal, for example. They contain a lot of iron and strengthen your muscles and heart. Brussels sprouts and broccoli are also a must if you want a strong immune system. The vegetables contain a lot of vitamin C, folic acid and iron and are important for blood formation. Another example is lentils. They contain a lot of zinc, which is needed for cell division. Sick cells can therefore be replaced more quickly. Other recommended foods are berries, leek, amaranth, turmeric and many more.
Overall, it is important that you eat balanced and varied food. Colourful fruits and vegetables are essential for the immune system. With vegetables, it is also recommended that you eat them as raw as possible, as this is where most vitamins are found. Your diet should also be high in fibre and healthy carbohydrates.

Sufficient sport and exercise

Sport and a lot of exercise are important for a healthy lifestyle and a strong, long functioning body. If you want to strengthen your immune system, you should do sports or go for a walk several times a week. During exercise, the body releases adrenaline, which makes the immune cells in our blood more active. The adrenaline level is also slightly increased after exercise, so there is a certain period of time during which our body can fight pathogens more efficiently. You can try out different kinds of sports and exercise. You shouldn't go to the end of your strength and feel weak afterwards, but train in such a way that you can improve bit by bit. Jogging or cycling is good because you are outside in the fresh air at the same time. Swimming is also a popular sport in which you can improve.
In some people, the immune system can be weakened by too much stress in everyday life or worries. Then relaxing sports like yoga or hiking in combination with some meditation would be good for you. Yoga strengthens your body and helps you to get back into harmony with yourself.

Sufficient liquid

Drinking enough is another important ingredient for a healthy life and also helps to strengthen the immune system. You should drink about two litres of water a day and if you do sport, preferably even more. Teas are also a good choice, as many herbal teas contain additional nutrients that keep you healthy, have healing effects and have a positive effect on your mood. At the same time they have an influence on a good immune system. Nettle tea as well as Rooibos tea are well suited, as they have an antioxidant effect.
So as you can see, it is not difficult at all to strengthen your immune system. It's important to eat healthy food, get plenty of exercise and pay attention to your general well-being. If you integrate these tips into your everyday life, not only will your immune system thank you, but your whole body will thank you!