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Marisa HeinzeJanuary 12, 2017

5 Exercises To Build Pain-Free Hands And Wrists

Because body weight training often requires support of one’s body weight – for example, on the floor, or in hanging positions – building a foundation of strength, endurance and mobility in the hands and wrists is essential for injury-free movement and continued success. It’s important to understand that while functional joint strength provides the foundation for injury- and pain-free hands and wrists, skillful practice also plays a key role.Whether you’re a body weight training advocate, or simply wish to build stronger hands and wrists for everyday lifting and carrying, here are our top 5 exercises. These exercises can be performed as part of a warm-up at the gym, or as a standalone corrective exercise program.


1. Wrist extension

  • In a kneeling position, place hands palms up on the knees.
  • Lean forwards and gently roll the fingers until the palm is on the floor.
  • Spread the fingers and find a comfortable stretch.
  • Gently pulse forwards and backwards 20 times.
  • Then hold the stretch for 30sec.
  • Repeat.

2. Wrist flexion

  • In a kneeling position, place hands palms down on the knees.
  • Lean forwards and gently roll the fingers until the back of the palm is on the floor.
  • Spread the fingers and find a comfortable stretch.
  • Gently turn the elbow crease inwards and outwards 20 times.
  • Then turn the elbow crease out and hold the stretch for 30sec.
  • Repeat.

3. Fingertip bounce

  • In a kneeling position, lean forwards and rest the fingertips lightly on the floor.
  • Gently bounce the fingertips up and down on the floor, as you rock your body forwards and backwards to control the weight.
  • Perform 20 bounces, rest and repeat.

4. Forearm press

  • Assume an all-fours position with the fingers facing forward.
  • Spread the fingers and gently turn the elbow crease out so it’s forward facing.
  • From this position, push the base of the fingers into the floor and raise the palm off floor.
  • Lower the palm under control and repeat 15 times.
Aim for fatigue at the last rep; as you become stronger, you can lean further forwards onto the hands. As a progression, perform the exercise with the fingers facing backwards.

5. Forward rocks

This final exercise combines the flexibility, strength and endurance gained from the above exercises into a functional movement and will help you further build pain-free hands and wrists.
  • From an all-fours position.
  • Spread the fingers, turn out the elbow creases, and push the fingertips and palms into the floor.
  • As you maintain this position, slowly rock forwards and hold for 2sec.
  • Return and repeat 12 times to fatigue.
As you become stronger, you can progressively take the shoulders further forwards over the wrists/hands.Don't forget to share your experiences with us via Facebook and Instagram!