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Marisa HeinzeJanuary 25, 2022

What are the benefits of fascia training?

When it comes to fascia training, many people immediately think of the now relatively common fascia roller. That is correct as far as it goes. However, there is a bit more to it. The training refers more to the connective tissue than to the roller. How the exercises affect your health and what you should pay attention to, you will learn here.

What do we mean by fascia?

Fascia is the name given to our connective tissue. This tissue network is present throughout the body and the organs, ligaments and muscles are surrounded by it. Meanwhile, fascia rollers are available in most sports stores or online stores. In gyms it has been standard for a long time. However, few people know that fascia exercises are not simply movements with rolling around. This training method offers much more.

Why is fascia training worthwhile?

If you are constantly stressed, hardly move or your body is frequently exposed to strong and unfavorable stresses, it can lead to adhesions of your fasciae. With fascia training you get rid of the adhesions.
Positive effects:
  • more flexibility
  • accelerated regeneration
  • less muscle soreness
Fascia exercises can work against cellulite. Of course, the dose is important here.

Who benefits from fascia training?

Training for the fascia can be worthwhile for everyone. It can help athletes reduce muscle soreness and also loosen calluses from sports injuries. Even if you're less active, this workout can benefit your health and loosen tightened fascia. Keep in mind that fascia training is not a replacement for your sports program, as it only serves as a supplement.

How do you conduct the training?

This workout consists of 3 different components:
Elastic and springing movements.
Jumping exercises allow you to activate the fascial meshing. The jumps give the fascia sheath an improved tension. The springing movements have an additional positive effect on your muscles.
Prolonged stretching
Stretching is also one of the fascia exercises. Longer stretching is better for the fascia than short stretching. So it is beneficial if you turn your head and stretch one of your arms backwards at the same time. This way you stretch over different joints. These stretches work like yoga exercises.
Exercising with a fascia roller
A fascia roller is probably familiar to many. The firm foam roller is perfect for self-treatment and are available in various strengths. With it, your different body parts get a better blood circulation and your connective tissue gets an effective stimulation.

Exercises with which you can strengthen your fasciae

If you now feel like getting started with fascia training, here are a few exercises that include all the training components:
Various jumps
You can relax your fascia with a varied jumps workout. Do this for one minute. First, jump vertically into the air. Use the jump rope if you want to. Then try more jumps, such as left to right, front to back, or jumping jacks.
Make sure you land softly on the ground. Land gently on the balls of your feet. This works well with soft and already registered sports shoes, but barefoot is best.
Stand up straight and slowly bend over. Make a hunchback and let your hands move to your other foot each time. Your legs are extended if possible.
Now change your hand and body position with springy movements towards the other foot. Your head should be in a straight and relaxed position. Do not tilt your head backwards, otherwise tension may develop. Do the exercise for one minute. Feel free to vary your foot position the next day.
Leg roll
Sit down and support yourself with your hands slightly behind your body. Place your fascia roller just below your calves at the muscle insertions. Decide for yourself if you want to do one leg or both.
Find the level of pressure that is most comfortable for you. Slowly push your body forward and repeat the exercise several times. Feel free to work your calves only or roll to the base of your butt. Tighten your abdomen during the exercise so that you can better control your movements.

How to train your fascia for each purpose

How often you exercise depends on what your goal is. You can do the stretching exercises at any time. However, warm up well for the jumping exercises so that you do not injure yourself. Use the fascia roller only at the end.
If you want less muscle soreness, you can use the roller every day. For cellulite, it is recommended that you use the roller three times a week. This may also be more vigorous. The same counts for jumps: Two or three training sessions per week are sufficient.

Can pain occur when exercising the fasciae and is it normal?

Especially when exercising with the roller, some users tell of pain. Please do not torture yourself, as severe pain can lead to even greater hardening in your body.
However, a pleasant ache is quite normal. You will reach your personal limits, but you can still train with slow movements and breathe normally. Muscle pulling improves with each training session, so keep at it and train with your roller up to three times each week and practice some jumps as well.