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Marisa HeinzeApril 23, 2018

Tutorial: Burpee pull up

How does fitness evolve?
Learn how to perform a Burpee pull Up the EVO way.
  • The burpee pull up is a super functional exercise that targets the quads.
  • This exercise uses your own weight, a bar and strips to hold it.
  • It’s not an easy exercise. You must have previous exercises experience and be at least in an intermediate level of physical fitness.
  • Stand under the bar with the legs shoulder-width apart.
  • With a small jump, grab the bar and pull your weigh until the bar reaches, at least, your chin (you can pull until it reaches your chest)
  • Try to maintain your trunk straight while you pull.
  • When you’re near the bar, slow the movement extending your arms and maintaining your spine straight until your feet touch the floor
  • Form the moment you touch the floor, keep bending your knees until your hands touch the floor.
  • With the hands stabilized, jump and extend your body, performing a horizontal plank.
  • Push your knees against your chest and move to a vertical squat position
  • Reach the bar again
  • It increases functional strength and a full body activation
  • Back muscles are usually weak because currently we spend a lot of our time seated.
  • It helps activate the core and spine muscles and to reprogram your sense of good posture
  • While you’re performing it, your posture will improve. It will also promote coordination and strength between arms and trunk
  • Burpees promote agility, stability and full body activation too.
  • Performing burpees triggers a powerful muscular response and burns more calories.
  • Merging both exercises creates a high intense super exercise that activates almost your whole body.