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Marisa HeinzeSeptember 12, 2019

Group classes vs personal training: which is best?

Group classes vs personal training
We’re often asked about the whole ‘group classes vs. personal training’ debate - and we believe, if you’re serious about taking your fitness to the ultimate level, it’s generally the latter. Here’s why.
Going completely solo with your exercise routine can sometimes hold you back. For real, progressive fitness, we need mentors. Someone who knows more about fitness than you to learn from. A little motivation boost now and then. A bit of structure. A social injection and a good laugh.
For all of these reasons and more, group exercise classes and personal trainers are proven to be excellent ways of losing weight, shaping up and boosting mental wellbeing.
Group classes vs personal training: which is better?
There are certain elements of fitness that are needed to achieve excellent results. Here’s what goes into building a brilliant exercise regime - and exactly what each form of exercise can do to help you achieve your goals.
1. Readiness
We must learn how to train smarter before we train harder. It’s easy to get into the habit of wanting to push our bodies as far as they will take us. But if your body isn’t ready to push it to the maximum, or you’re working out with improper form - you’re not going to accomplish anything. In group classes, an instructor will go through the proper form before you exercise, but they have to deliver one-size-fits-all routines. You simply can’t get the kind of in-depth analysis and monitoring you get with a personal trainer in a group class.
2. Personalised goals
Goals - as big or as small as they are - are necessary for a fitness regime. How else will you know what to aim towards? If weightlifting is your focus, a personal trainer will sit with you and figure out the best way to approach the next step in your progress - paying special attention to areas you need to focus on. A group class can help you progress with your goals by providing a structured setting and pushing you to work harder, but a personal trainer can explore new training methods designed to fit you and your fitness journey.
3. Safety and supervision
Whether you’re working with a personal trainer or fitness instructor, their role isn’t just to deliver effective and fun workouts. They also make sure you maintain proper form and alignment while performing the exercises. However, this doesn’t mean that injuries in exercise classes don’t happen. From torn muscles to accidents with equipment, it’s more common to injure yourself in a group class than a closely supervised personal training session. Prevent productivity loss and downtime by ponying up for one-on-one training.
What to look for in a personal trainer
On the matter of group classes vs personal trainer, we’ve established that personal trainers come with a plethora of benefits that cannot be equalled in group classes. But it’s just as important you find the right personal trainer. Make sure they’re certified professionals with buckets of experience, patience, honesty and professionalism.
A brilliant personal trainer should also have great communication skills and a personality that makes you want to get up and get going. Every EVO personal trainer ticks all of these boxes - sign up for a free trial to see what makes them more effective in the group classes vs. personal training debate yourself.