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Marisa HeinzeNovember 5, 2020

10 fitness myths and what is behind them

The internet is full of expert tips and advice on how to train properly and lose weight quickly to achieve your dream physique.
If you look for information on how to train properly, you will come across some fitness myths that still persist today. Whether these are true, we would like to tell you in this guide. We disenchant the ten most popular fitness myths so that you can finally be sure.

Fitness myth 1: You burn fat only after 30 minutes of exercise

This myth is false, because your body uses the most important energy sources after the first minute of training already. These include fats and carbohydrates.
The only thing that is correct about this statement is that the percentage of energy production changes during your training. In the initial phase of your workout, your body mainly uses up your glycogen stores. The longer you work out, the more fat burning is stimulated.

Tip: If you want to increase your body fat burning despite a short training period, High Intensity Interval Training is for you.

Fitness myth 2: Running damages your joints

According to scientific studies, this statement is definitely wrong as long as you are not overweight and do not have a foot malposition. In fact the opposite is true. Jogging is good for your joints! Jogging trains your cartilage, which actually starts to grow over time.

Even if you run a marathon, you will not damage your joints, as long as you have trained and built up enough cartilage.
However, if you put on a few extra kilos, jogging and running are not the ideal sports for your knees and hips. Instead, switch to swimming or cycling, for example.

Fitness myth 3: Sit-ups for a Sixpack

This myth doesn't make sense, because how are you supposed to recognise a six-pack if your abdominal muscles are covered by a layer of fat?
Sit-ups strengthen your abdominal muscles. There is nothing to shake about that. However, you need to combine endurance training with a change in your diet.
The main thing is to reduce the amount of body fat. The best way to achieve this goal is to combine strength training with endurance training.

Your body is a coherent organism! Unfortunately, you cannot determine the region of the body in which you want to burn body fat.
You can only achieve a six-pack if you reduce your body fat percentage sufficiently.

Fitness myth 4: Women turn into Hulk in the gym

Please forget this fitness myth as soon as possible!
It has been proven several times that women need longer to build up muscle mass than men. Women also have a limited amount of muscle building ability. The reason for this is testosterone. This hormone plays a decisive role in building muscle, but men have a significantly higher testosterone level.

Women can also build up a lot of muscle and strength through weight training, but this takes a relatively long time and certainly does not happen overnight. However, muscle building increases calorie consumption during restperiods and makes it easier for you to lose weight.

Fitness myth 5: Cardio training makes muscle building more difficult

Another fitness myth circulating on the internet and in the gym is that regular cardio training boycotts muscle building.
This misconception can be refuted by numerous crossfitters. Their training sessions consist of both strength and cardio training. Nonetheless, Crossfitters can still show a decent muscle mass.
In order to build muscles, you need to eat in a calorie surplus. This means that you have to train hard on a regular basis and adjust your diet accordingly. Because you burn a lot of calories during cardio training, your body needs more energy!

Give priority to strength training, for example, and combine this with a few cardio workouts. One to two sessions a week of 30 minutes are sufficient.

Fitness myth 6: Cardio makes you lose weight faster

This myth originates from the cardio training area and is not entirely true. Of course, endurance sports are an excellent way to keep yourself fit and reduce calories. Potentially, cardio training also burns more calories, simply because of the longer and more continuous exercise. However, you will only burn calories during endurance sessions if you are actively exercising.
In contrast, you burn unwanted calories during strength training sessions, even after the workout. The reason for this is that you get your muscles to grow during training.
The more muscle mass you have, the higher your basic metabolic rate is. This means that strength training sessions boost your metabolism and you can burn calories up to 48 hours after training. This phenomenon is called the afterburning effect.

Fitness myth 7: The more often and longer you train, the better

Does a lot of training really help a lot? No! By training too much you only sabotage your own success!
Your muscles do not grow during the workout, but in the regeneration phase between the training sessions. If you don't put emphasis on resting, your muscles won't recover properly. Soon you'll be to tired to actually train anymore.
Take at least one day off between training sessions. Do not train the same muscle groups on two consecutive days!
However, you do not have to give up physical activity completely on rest days. There are many ways in which you can actively regenerate.

Fitness myth 8: Poor flexibility due to muscle build-up

As with the myths that have been created so far, this is a mistaken belief and in fact the opposite is true. If you do the exercises in strength training sessions correctly, you will even improve your flexibility. It is important that your strength training plan is balanced though.

Most of the time, mobility deteriorates in everyday life, whether it is due to a poor sitting posture or too little movement. So train regularly, preferably your whole body. Always perform each exercise over the entire range of motion and concentrate especially on the eccentric phase of each repetition. This is where your muscles are stretched.

Fitness myth 9: Local fat reduction is possible

Targeted fat reduction is not only impossible on the stomach, but also on the rest of your muscle groups. Just because you train certain muscles, you can neither break down the fat there nor convert it into muscles.
Of course, with targeted training your bi- and triceps become stronger and your arm size also increases. You also stimulate your basal metabolic rate. However, endurance training in combination with strength training is the ideal training method to help you lose weight. In the end, however, your calorie intake is decisive for fat loss.

Fitness myth 10: Do not change a working training plan

The myth of the training routine is still alive today, although this assumption is also wrong. It is understandable that you want to stick to your training plan if you are satisfied with it and have achieved success at the beginning.
Nevertheless, you should progress ease your strength and endurance sessions over time. The reason for this is that over time your body gets used to the stress and stagnates. With a constant training your body will not grow any more. So make sure that your training plan includes an intelligent progression scheme.

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