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Marisa HeinzeJanuary 19, 2022

Exercises without equipment: tips for your bodyweight workout

To achieve sporting success or simply to keep fit, exercises without equipment are currently totally en vogue. But what successes can be achieved and which exercises are suitable for that training type? Here you can find out everything you need to know about exercising without equipment!

Training with bodyweight - What are the advantages?

Many people ask themselves whether exercising with their own bodyweight is effective in general. After all, no heavy weights are lifted. However, it can be said that training without equipment is even more effective. This is mainly because the deep muscles are trained. These are responsible for the entire stabilization of the body.
When you train with equipment, it takes away certain holding moments. You therefore train mainly the surface muscles. It gives a nice silhouette, but it only supports your body to a limited extent at longer intensities.
By training with bodyweight, you also train other characteristics of your body. First and foremost is the sense of balance. Many exercises without equipment directly address several muscle groups.
Therefore, bodyweight exercises are usually also whole-body exercises. Because many muscles are used at once, we often have problems keeping our balance. If you keep the continuity, you will quickly notice a significant improvement in your stability.
You think that the exercises without equipment don't challenge you enough? Then convince yourself of the opposite! Since the training can be designed individually and flexibly, you can always adapt your session to your needs.
The number of repetitions and intensities can be easily increased. In addition, a wide variety of exercises can be integrated into the training plan. This keeps the workout exciting and varied.

Advantages and disadvantages at a glance

  • Flexible time and training schedule
  • Variety due to different exercises
  • Low risk of injury
  • Strengthening of the deep muscles
  • Training of the sense of balance
  • You need a lot of self-discipline
  • You should know a little about the body's own processes
  • You don't adress your maximum power

The best exercises without equipment

There are countless variations to design your workout so that you can get value out of it. You can work on every muscle group by training with body weight. Thus, you can flexibly combine the exercises and adapt the intensity to your level.
To give you a better overview, the following exercises without equipment are divided into groups. This way you can see at a glance which exercises target which body parts.

Legs and buttocks

The gluteus maximus is the largest muscle we have. As a result, it also burns a lot of calories when it is used. The same is true for the entire thigh muscles.
Probably the best known exercise for legs and buttocks are the so-called squats. These are normal squats. You take a hip-width stand and bend your legs. Make sure that your feets always remain on the ground, the knees do not go beyond the feet and the back is stretched. If you want to intensify this exercise, you can add an additional jump while stretching your legs.
Bridge/ Pelvic Lift
In this exercise you lay on your back and bend your legs. Now lift your pelvis up and lower it again. Make sure that you do not make a hollow back and always tense the muscles in your buttocks. You can intensify this exercise by stretching one leg straight up in the air and pressing up with only one leg.
This exercise is very easy to do, but it requires a lot of effort. To do this, first put your hands on your hips, take a step forward with one leg and then go down to your knees. Both legs remain on the ground at all times. Now push yourself back up and repeat the exercise until you switch legs. If you need a boost here again, you can easily do alternating jumps. Here you don't just push up, but change the leg position in the course of a jump.

Abs und back

The trunk muscles are our most important muscles. They ensure an upright posture. Therefore, if you have well-developed abdominal and back muscles, i.e. a trained core, you prevent posture problems and the resulting pain.
Probably the best known abdominal exercise is the sit-up. For this you lay down on your back and bend your legs. Place your hands either crossed on your chest or lightly on your ears. Now pull your upper body up towards your legs. To work from your abdominal muscles rather than your back, you can point your chin toward the ceiling. Now only your abdominal muscles are pulling you up. If you want to intensify this exercise, lift your legs to 90°.
Mountain Climbers
For this exercise get into the push-up position. Make sure that your back remains straight. Now alternate your knees to your chest. Alternating the legs should be done quickly. Increase the exercise by "running" forward in the base position.
Back Extensions
This exercise is specifically designed for the back muscles. Lay down on your stomach and put your hands to your ears. Now lift your upper body off the floor and put it back down. Intensify the exercise by lifting your legs as well.

Chest and arms

For a long time now, athletes and fitness beginners have been relying on bodyweight training. Especially the upper part of the body can be easily brought into shape.
One of the most popular exercises without equipment for arm and chest muscles are push-ups. Simply assume the push-up position by leaning on your feet and hands. Make sure your back is straight. Now go down with your entire body weight by bending your arms. The closer they are to the torso, the more you intensify the load on the arms.

When you take the more wide stance (of the arms) in this exercise, you focus the pectoral muscle. You can start by resting on your knees to approach the exercise with bodyweight. You can also vary these exercises by raising the level on which your feet rest or your arms rest.
This exercise is excellent for training the triceps. For this, find a slight elevation, such as a stair step. Extend your legs forward and support yourself on the step with your hands behind you. Now bend your arms and stretch them again. So to say, you push yourself backwards up the same step. If this exercise is still too difficult for you, simply bend your legs.

Training with bodyweight - Conclusion

The individual exercises can all be easily combined with each other. You will benefit from your training on all levels. It is important that you always pay attention to the correct execution in this form of training to avoid injuries.
If you can't motivate yourself, find a training partner. This way you can motivate each other and also correct each other. All the mentioned exercises without equipment can be customized by repetition numbers and speeds.