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Marisa HeinzeJanuary 2, 2023

How to lose 8 Kilos in 8 Weeks

It is not easy to reduce your body weight. To lose one kilogram of fat mass, you have to build up an energy deficit of about 7,000 kilocalories. If you want to lose eight kilograms in eight weeks, this means that you can consume 7,000 kilocalories less than your body normally needs in seven days. This is a guideline value which of course depends on your height, your current weight and the ratio of your muscle mass to fat mass. Your basic supply is also an important aspect, because a deficiency in micronutrients leads to inertia - but more about that below. Basically, eating more and exercising less would mean that you gain weight; eating less and exercising more would mean that you lose weight. Very simple, isn't it? What at first sounds like simple mathematics is actually a little more complicated.
But don't worry: with a little know-how, you'll quickly get the hang of it, and once you're at it, you'll even enjoy it. After all, nutritionists and sports scientists agree on one thing: a healthy, balanced diet and a little exercise not only makes you slim, it also puts you in a good mood. So how do you manage to take in fewer calories than you consume so that your body can draw on your fat reserves and burn them? Let's go.

The right diet makes the difference - How micro- and macronutrients affect your body
Most of us know how important the macronutrients are for our health, although we know them better by the names carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Their interaction influences how our body deals with the food we eat. We all experience feelings of hunger, so our body tells us that it needs energy and it needs it as quickly as possible. In the worst case, hunger is so great that we are literally overwhelmed by a ravenous hunger attack and would prefer to gobble up a lot of sugar or fatty foods. Good to know: The feeling of fullness is not caused by certain nutrients, but simply by mass. Because then the stomach expands and reports "full" to the brain. So foods that are low in calories and instead have a lot of volume are just as effective and definitely the better choice for your body. But how do we manage to give preference to vegetables, salad or fruit when the brain wants fast food and sweets?
Eating on time and in a balanced way keeps us from ravenous appetite and makes us full for a long time. Also make sure that you do not eat a one-sided diet. This is where the micronutrients come into play, the vitamins, trace elements and bulk elements. They are important for you because they control many processes in the body that trigger fat reduction, transport important messenger substances or the production of slimming hormones and support the metabolism. With a balanced supply of many fresh foods, you are usually well positioned.
You can easily follow these seven nutritional guidelines in detail:
- Fruit and vegetables are the best fillers - eat them in sufficient quantities. One rule says that five portions a day are ideal. You should focus more on vegetables, because a lot of fruit also means a lot of fructose.
- Wholemeal is better than soft, wadded carbohydrates. Slowly digestible carbohydrates keep you full longer. Choose wholemeal bread instead of white bread and also choose the wholemeal variant for rice and noodles.
- Drink? Yes - but no empty calories! Plenty of water, lots of unsweetened tea and a cup of coffee in the morning. Avoid soft drinks and sweet fruit juices.
- Oil. Pay attention to high-quality fats and avoid hidden fats in finished products. You can recognize it by the ingredients on the packaging.
- If you have the time and opportunity, it is always better to cook for yourself and prepare your meals consciously. This saves a lot of calories.
- Too much sugar is bad, say nutrition experts. Not only your figure but also your organs suffer from an excess of sugar. Enjoy a piece of chocolate every now and then and otherwise rely on fruit sugar.
- Eat in time - stop in time. Pay attention to your feeling of satiety and plan plenty of time to enjoy it. But be sure to stop eating when you are full.

Movement supports your body and puts you in a good mood

In order to lose weight and stay slim in the long term, the only thing that helps is to break with old habits. So: get off the sofa, get on the bike. Swap the comfortable evening ritual for exercise, because instead of chocolate, a walk will also make you happy. If, in addition to increased exercise in everyday life, you also do sport, you will get closer to your goal faster. This can be an evening work-out in the gym, a running programme or regular muscle training. For an optimal result, sports scientists recommend combining strength and endurance exercises. Are you an early bird? Then maybe you should start the day with a morning run and go to the gym two or three times a week. Your day starts with lots of meetings or preparing your kids for kindergarten and school? Then sports units in the late morning are better for you.
Either way: In order to be successful and find your way to sports in the long run, you should have fun and find the right program for you. Besides, sports improve your sleep and reduce stress - both help you lose weight. Do you know HIIT? The four letters stand for High Intensity Intervall Training. Short, very intensive training phases alternate with recovery phases. This makes your sport more effective and varied, two positive aspects at once. Because you burn energy faster and stay on the ball longer. The exercises offer everything you like. For the intensive part, jumping jacks, burpees, lifting weights or sprinting on the spot are good beginnings. The quiet parts between the exercises can be filled with slow walking, circling arms or pendulum, the main thing is to move a little and get your breath back for the next high-intensity interval. Feel your way towards the time unit that is optimal for you. To get started, 60 seconds for each part is a good basis, limit yourself to 40 minutes of training and see how you feel. Because here, too, the motto is: It should be fun for you, that's the only way to stay with it.

This is how it works with the transition

All well and good, but how do you start on your way to your eight kilo slimmer self? The first recommendation is: do not wait! There's still a party that needs to be celebrated or a barbecue in the summer that needs to be visited. Don't let that stop you, there will always be exceptions. Instead, arrange all other days so that you reach your goal in eight weeks. A low-sugar cereal with milk or yoghurt and fresh fruit is the perfect way to start the day, the protein it contains will keep you full for a long time and the carbohydrates in the fruit and cereals will give you enough energy for an active day. A wholemeal bread with cream cheese and cucumber or tomato and some fresh herbs is also a tasty and healthy breakfast idea. For lunch you can have a salad with chicken strips or eggs, which can also be prepared the evening before and taken to the office. In the evening, it's best to eat easily digestible food, which also improves the quality of sleep and has a positive effect on your hunger.

Once you have established healthy habits, you will not want to do without them again. It may not be possible without discipline and commitment - but it is not that difficult or even impossible. Celebrate your successes and enjoy them.