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Marisa HeinzeJune 15, 2021

Abs are made in the kitchen

With Interval Fasting and Functional Fitness to the Dream Body.

Visible abs in a short time?

Summer waits for no one this year and at the latest with the first warm days, the good intentions to get in shape in time, once again too late. The goal: six-pack and short clothes, if it is to go on vacation or to the beach. Interval fasting offers very promising prospects in this regard. Within a short time, this method promises results that would take weeks to achieve with other diets. But how exactly does this miracle diet work and does it work at all?

What is Intermittent Fasting?

Intermittent fasting is a special method of diet planning that focuses mainly on proper timing for balanced nutrient intake. It involves setting different time slots in which eating and fasting should take place. The 20-4 method is often recommended as an acute solution for short-term results. The index numbers represent the selected intervals of fasting and food intake. Here this would mean that no food would be taken in for 20 hours. In the following 4 hours it is allowed to eat again. This particular method blocks a very short period of time for food intake. It is planned that the body eats one, maximum two meals in this 4-hour period. The typical "overeating" and associated accumulation of calories that are not needed is excluded in the broadest sense.

How does Intermittent Fasting work?

Intermittent fasting reduces the intake of nutrients and energy to a shortened period. The concept is based on supplying the body with all the nutrients it needs in the following fasting period. This intermittent fasting is a popular method, especially among athletes, to reach a certain competition weight in a short time, for example, by getting rid of a few extra pounds.
The concept is based on the idea that the body never "wastes" energy. Excess energy that is absorbed is stored. We remember this stored energy as pesky pounds. Conversely, the body now takes needed energy that cannot be supplied by food from these very reserves. This is where the functional principle of Intermittent Fasting comes into play. By the punctual supply of nutrients thus the body-own reserves are to be attacked purposefully and thus the fat pads be reduced.
The system is so effective because during fasting the body's own reserves are drawn from outside due to the lack of nutrient supply. But beware, here especially the so-called yo-yo effect has a great attack surface. The faster the body loses weight, the stronger the reactions the body will cause as soon as it returns to normal. These countermeasures can be imagined in such a way that additional energy stores are created in order to be able to counteract such physical stress the next time. Thus, in the best case, the body should only be gradually reweaned or weaned. Alternatively, an interval can be maintained, the execution of which can be somewhat relaxed. In this way, the summer figure can be kept in shape longer and the body is exposed to less stress in the course of the changeover.

How healthy is Intermittent Fasting?

Also, from a medical point of view, it has been proven that intermittent fasting not only helps you lose weight, but also has health benefits. How does it work? Important for this assumption is the migratory motor complex. This complex is a name for the body's digestive, intestinal and esophageal cleansing system. Approximately 90 minutes after nutrient ingestion, a "wave" triggered by the digestive system moves through the intestines & esophagus. Loosened and digested are here in particular food residues and still undigested. This supports not only the intestinal fauna, but also flora. However, this mechanism is immediately interrupted when food is taken in again. A complete movement of the wave through the digestive system takes up to 120 minutes. So it is almost unlikely to make the whole mechanism work cyclically if regular food is eaten for this purpose.
However, during the long fasting period, the complex moves through the esophagus and intestines several times, promoting better digestion and general well-being.


The image of the perfect summer body starts in most cases with clearly visible abdominal muscles. But they are usually the last thing to become visible. To be able to show a defined six-pack, not only the nutritional intake is important, but also the corresponding functional training. Here we recommend exercises that stress the entire body and thus ensure a high level of activity. Because the more active the body, the more active the fat burning. The HIT and HIIT training system takes up this approach by combining strength and endurance training at a high intensity. Dead weight exercises such as push-ups, squats, handstands, sit-ups and lunges are excellent for this. With any additional weights, the level of difficulty can then be increased even further. Also popular in HIIT workouts are, for example, the superman squats (squat followed by a jump), burpees (military exercise combining push-ups and high-extension jumps), jumping jacks, mountain climbers (tightening the legs in a push-up), knee lift run and flying sit-ups.
In classic HIIT training, time intervals of, for example, 20 & 10 seconds each are set. During the 20 seconds, you work out, and during the 10-second interval, you pause. This principle is repeated until the muscle fatigues. Then, when a full repetition can no longer be performed, it is paused in this position until the time has expired. As a rule, this very intense and effective workout is over after 25 to 35 minutes and the hardest step towards a six-pack is done. This training should be done several times a week, so that the results can be seen as soon as possible.


Abs are made in the kitchen. For this reason, it is important to optimize the interaction of hard training and nutritional intake to achieve maximum results in the shortest possible time. To get in perfect shape, muscles must be built up to emphasize the contour and round off the overall appearance. At the same time, however, no additional fat pad should be created. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the quality of his food to implement this as perfectly as possible. Basically, you should pay attention to a very protein-heavy diet. This supports muscle building and the metabolism. Good sources of protein include fish, red meat, soy protein, whey protein and white meat. The protein intake should be supplemented with long-chain carbohydrates. These keep you full longer and provide the body with sufficient energy. These long-chain carbohydrates can be found, for example, in whole grain products, potatoes, brown rice, various vegetables or oatmeal. The short-chain carbohydrates (saccharides or sugars), such as those found in white sugar, wheat products or fruits, on the other hand, have such a high energy density that the majority of them are put back into the body as fat reserves. These types of carbohydrates should therefore be avoided wherever possible. This also means that sweets are taboo to begin with. Last but not least, healthy fats should not be forgotten. These are found primarily in nuts, fish, various seeds and seeds and avocados. But here, too, it is imperative to keep an eye on the quantity. Regarding the beverages during the Intermittent Fasting should be absolutely renounced soft drinks or similar sugary beverages. Instead, a water intake of at least 3 liters daily should be focused. This regular fluid intake is not only important during training, but also to support the metabolism and thus the fat burning.


Intermittent Fasting is an excellent way to get into the final spurt for the summer figure within a few weeks. It is important to create a balance of healthy food, regular and active training and a regular fluid intake, which can be easily integrated into everyday life. Once this first step has been taken, the dream figure is only a few weeks away, full of discipline!