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Marisa HeinzeJanuary 3, 2022

What exercises help against cellulite?

90 percent of women are afflicted by cellulite on the thighs as well as on the bottom. The unloved orange peel skin often contributes to the fact that shorts and wearing a bikini is avoided in order to hide them skillfully. But with simple exercises, cellulite will soon be a thing of the past. How you can get rid of cellulite, we'll show you in this article.

Effective exercises against cellulite

Cellulite is not a sign that you are not fit enough. Even athletic people can be affected by orange peel skin on the legs as well as on the buttocks. But this is no reason to despair. With the right cellulite exercises, sagging connective tissue will soon be a thing of the past.
Strength training helps against cellulite on the legs and buttocks. It helps you burn fat and build muscle. These aspects are ideal for making the skin firmer and tighter again.
Special exercises for the buttocks and legs are the best remedy against orange peel skin. If you want to do even more, you can pay attention to a healthy and balanced diet. Sugar is eliminated from the menu and fast food is also rarely found on the plate.
Worth knowing: Massages and alternating showers are a good addition to cellulite exercises. They stimulate blood circulation in the skin, which also benefits the connective tissue.
These exercises against cellulite can help you:
  • Lunges
  • Wall sit
  • Squats with side kicks
  • Bridge
  • Single leg squat

Get rid of cellulite with lunges

Lunges are already part of many people's regular workout routine. In the fight against cellulite, the effective lunges should not be missing. They are a good exercise for the legs and buttocks.
This is how it works: stand up straight and focus tension in your core. Now take a big step forward with your right leg - the lunge. Your knee should not extend past the tips of your toes. Bend your left leg nice and deep. The knee should be allowed to touch the floor. Then return to the starting position by performing the repetition backwards, so to speak. Now repeat with the other leg.
Tip: If you have already reached an advanced fitness level, you can make the exercise even more effective with dumbbells.

Exercises against cellulite - wall sits

If you have orange peel skin on the back of your thighs as well as on your bottom, then wall sits are a good exercise.
This is how it works: First find a free wall. Now bend your legs so that they reach a 90 degree angle. Lean your upper body against the free wall. Tighten your abdomen and buttocks and press your upper body firmly against the wall. Ideally, stretch your arms forward. Try to hold the position for one minute.
Tip: Beginners can alternatively hold the position for 2 x 25 seconds and take a 10 second break in between.

Squat with sidekicks against cellulite

Squats, like lunges, are one of the best exercises if you want to fight cellulite. For this reason, they can't be missing from our workout.
How it works: Take a hip-width stance, tighten your abdomen and go deep into a squat. Your torso stays upright and your bottom pushes back as you squat. It's like you're trying to sit down on a chair. When you return to the starting position, do an alternating side kick to the left and right. Perform these repetitions for 45 seconds.
Tip: As a beginner, you can shorten the time of your reps. 2 x 25 seconds with 10 seconds rest between the sessions is ideal. If you already have a higher fitness level, you can alternatively use weights such as dumbbells or kettlebells.

Exercises against cellulite – Bridge

Especially our bottom will be happy about the bridge. But also the backs of your thighs will get trained ideally. The bridge should also be part of the exercises against cellulite.
This is how it works: First lie down with your back on the floor and place your feet a little distance from your buttocks. Your legs should form a right angle in order to perform the exercise efficiently. Tighten your buttocks and abdomen and lift your buttocks. Now your thighs, buttocks and upper body form a straight line. Hold this position for one minute. This exercise is indispensable if you want to get rid of cellulite.
Tip: If you already have an advanced fitness leg, you can place one foot on the knee of the other leg and do the exercise with one leg. Switch legs after about one minute.

Get rid of cellulite with one leg squat

For cellulite exercises, the single-leg squats are often recommended. They are more strenuous than the normal squats. But the effort is worth it, because the single-leg squat is one of the most efficient exercises against cellulite.
Here's how it works: find a box, the edge of a bed, a chair or something similar. The lower the support for your leg, the easier the exercise will be for you. Now place your right leg backwards on the chosen surface and step forward with your left leg.
Your knee should not protrude beyond the top of your foot in order to perform the exercise cleanly. Now you can do squats with one leg for 30 seconds and then with the other leg for another 30 seconds.
Tip: If you need more of a challenge, you can go back to using weights. This will make these cellulite exercises even more efficient!


Exercises against cellulite do not have to be difficult. What is important is continuity. Do the exercises three times a week as a circuit. Do the cellulite exercises for one minute at a time, with a one-minute break between each exercise. When you're done with the five exercises, just start over. Three rounds are ideal.
If you are more advanced, you can do five rounds. With the cellulite exercises you can fight the orange peel skin. In addition, the exercises mentioned have a cellulite-preventing effect. Let's go!