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Marisa HeinzeAugust 5, 2020

How to find the best time for your training

The temperatures are currently reaching their annual peak again and many people are enjoying the sun and the pleasant weather. However, for athletes who naturally want to train regularly even when it is hot, the summer not only offers advantages but also the problem that the extremely warm weather is also associated with greater effort in the units.
The warm season, among other factors, is just one example of the importance of planning your training so that it fits well into your day and you only have to concentrate on your sessions.

Training in the morning

A running session in the morning can be a perfect start to the day for you. Afterwards many of us feel fresh and motivated for the efforts and challenges of the day.The benefits of a morning training session are quite clear. Even in the middle of summer, when it is hot and sunny, you can still run without being affected by the weather. Furthermore, most of the running paths are still quite free in the morning and you don't have to push through a multitude of walkers and cyclists. Even if you want to train in the fitness center and do a CrossFit program, for example, there are advantages to putting the unit on the morning run. In the morning, the number of visitors is much lower than during the rest of the day and it is easy to freely choose the equipment and training options you want to use.However, a morning training program is certainly not for everyone. It has long been scientifically proven that we humans have a different daily rhythm, which is good and healthy for us. If you are one of those people who find it difficult to get out of bed in the morning and need a certain amount of time to get going, then a workout later in the day may be the better option. It is also important to keep an eye on the daily routine. If your day involves physical work, you may not want to do your training right before work. The situation is different for a subsequent activity that is mainly mentally demanding.

The session during lunch break

At lunchtime, many people consciously use the training session to work out between the day's commitments. A midday run or a session at the gym can help you to clear your mind for the next part of the day and to switch off for a few moments and forget the problems that were relevant in the morning. Also, the body is usually at "operating temperature" at this time, the morning tiredness is long gone and the dreaded low point in the afternoon can be stopped by a training session.
However, the training session at noon must be planned precisely, as many of us have only a very short time window at this time of day. For example, if you only have a half-hour lunch break at your disposal, you will hardly be able to accommodate a training session including preparation and follow-up. But apart from that, sport can provide the perfect change to the obligations of everyday life and also have a motivating effect on the daily routine.

Training as the perfect end to your day

After work, sport offers you the ideal distraction from stressful everyday life and gives you the good feeling of having done something for yourself and your health.
A relaxed run in the evening has other advantages in addition to the usually pleasant temperatures that prevail even in midsummer.
According to scientific findings, sporting activity in the evening is much better suited to switching off and regenerating than watching TV alone, for example. The psychological effect is also definitely worth mentioning for the training session in the evening, because those of us who manage to complete a successful session in the evening go home knowing that we have also achieved something physically. The mixture of tiredness and exhaustion that comes with the satisfaction of the unit after the sport allows you to end the day with a good feeling.
As with any time of day, there are also drawbacks that those who put their training session aside for the evening have to deal with. On the one hand, many professionals have now adopted the trend towards evening training, so that fitness centres are often more crowded during this time, which can disrupt the training process.
When running or other outdoor sports, the evening training session is very dependent on the season and the temperature. While in the middle of summer you can run in a nice atmosphere with light and sunset even in the late evening, in winter it is already dark very early and the temperatures drop to an unpleasant level at the latest now.
Also the lack of lighting on many running trails, especially in the forest, makes it difficult for you to run during the dark seasons both in the morning and in the evening.

Basically it is up to you whether a training session in the morning, at noon or in the evening suits you and your requirements for the ideal training time. In any case, the time should depend on you and your rhythm, otherwise keeping to your training plan will be more of a torture than a long-term pleasure. But the joy is an enormously important motivation for you to stay motivated and to be able to complete your units according to plan.