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Marisa HeinzeMarch 11, 2022

Advantages of a plant-based diet

You've probably heard of the latest hype: veganism. But what is behind this term, what are the advantages of a vegan diet and why this should be more than just a hype - you will find answers to these questions in the following article. We also want to give you some helpful tips on how you can switch to a plant-based diet.
Note: In this article, we will talk specifically about a plant-based (and not just "vegan") diet, as there are some important differences. Beer and chips are also vegan - but that's not the factor we're focusing on here. It's about the benefits of a plant-based diet and how you can do something good for your health, the planet and the animals.

What exactly is veganism?

Veganism describes both a diet and a lifestyle. Vegans abstain completely from animal products in their diet. This means that meat and fish, but also dairy products, eggs, honey and other foods that contain animal ingredients are omitted. This includes, for example, gummy bears that contain gelatine - animal gelatine is obtained from slaughter by-products, for example by boiling bones, skins and cartilage. Even some alcoholic beverages, such as wine, are not consistently free of animal ingredients. The good news, however, is that in Germany, due to the German Purity Law, all beers are vegan.
Those who take veganism very seriously – aside from the nutrition – also pay attention to the clothes they wear or have a close look when buying beauty products, among other things. For serious vegans, leather jackets and shoes, woollen coats and the like are therefore taboo. Many beauty products or make-up can also still contain animal ingredients.
Nowadays, however, brands are visibly labelling their vegan products. It is also important to make sure that the brands and products in question are free from animal testing. Although animal testing is often banned today, you should pay particular attention to large and well-known brands. Brands that want to sell their products in China, for example, are legally obliged to test on animals.
But it doesn't always have to be black or white. Every step towards a plant-based diet or a vegan lifestyle already has a positive impact on your health, the planet's health and animal welfare worldwide. Read more now.

A quick fact check first

  • Did you know that you can stop taking your type 2 diabetes medication with a plant-based diet?
  • Did you know that a plant-based diet can help you lose weight and keep it off more easily?
  • Did you know that only about 2% of the world's soy is used to produce tofu or soymilk and about 98% is used as feed for livestock?
  • And did you know that in Germany alone about 763 million animals have to live and die in factory farming every year? And that doesn't even include commercial fishing.
But let's start at the beginning.

Health benefits of a plant-based diet

It is no longer a secret that a plant-based diet has many benefits for your health. There are now hundreds of studies proving the benefits of plant-based foods, numerous vegan cookbooks and dozens of films - even on Netflix. But more on that later. The benefits of a plant-based diet are numerous and, in the strictest sense, can mean the difference between life and death - and not just for animals.
A plant-based diet...
  • lowers your cholesterol levels.
  • improves your blood pressure and thus has a positive effect on high blood pressure.
  • lowers your risk of cardiovascular disease and heart attacks.
  • lowers your blood sugar levels and reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes.
  • reduces your risk of cancer, especially colon cancer, breast cancer and prostate cancer.
  • contributes to a lower risk of inflammation in the body.
  • helps you lose weight and is, among other things, the best method for healthy weight management.
The good news? It's not too late to switch to a plant-based diet! A vegan, plant-based diet can not only reduce the risk of certain cancers, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, obesity, etc., it can even reverse them.
Minimise cancer risk:
According to PETA, vegans can reduce their risk of developing different types of cancer by up to 20% on average, more than any other diet. Reasons for this include reduced meat consumption, which has been shown to promote cancer. The increased consumption of plant foods such as fruit and vegetables also benefits here, because they can even have a cancer-inhibiting effect due to antioxidant ingredients.
Cholesterol down, heart health up:
According to the Oxford Vegetarian Study (OVS), vegans have an average blood concentration of 89 mg of the so-called "bad" LDL cholesterol. Meat eaters have an LDL cholesterol level of 124 mg. Thus, a plant-based diet can reduce the bad LDL cholesterol by 15-25 % and thus significantly reduce cardiovascular diseases and heart attacks. Indeed, the risk of cardiovascular disease and the resulting mortality rate increases in correlation with increased consumption of animal foods.
Reverse diabetes:
Vegans also have a nearly 50% lower risk of developing diabetes than meat eaters. Fifty percent. Let that sink in for a minute. But not only that: switching to a vegan diet can be used as a therapy for type 2 diabetes and reverse it. The reason for this is better regulated blood sugar levels and reduced consumption of heme iron. Heme iron is found mainly in red meat and destroys the pancreas, which is responsible for insulin production. If we omit this and rely instead on healing, plant-based foods, we can regenerate the body.
Lose weight long term:
Last but not least, weight loss is of course an important issue. Numerous studies show the benefits of a plant-based diet in weight management. The Adventist Health Study found an average BMI for vegans of 23.6 kg/m2 (normal range) compared to an average BMI for meat eaters of 28.8 kg/m2 (overweight range).
Reasons for this are numerous and include, among others, a lower intake of saturated fatty acids, a lower total number of calories due to lower calorie foods as well as a faster feeling of satiety due to fibre-rich plant foods.
So it's clear that a plant-based diet undoubtedly has numerous benefits for your health. But not only that. As briefly mentioned above, in addition to the health benefits of a plant-based diet, there are also environmental and animal welfare benefits.

Other benefits of a plant-based diet:

Did you know that 1 kilogram of beef requires about 5 kilograms of grain, 15,000 litres of water and 27-49 square metres of farmland? In addition, a single cow emits about 22 kilograms of greenhouse gases per kilogram of meat through its digestion. 1 kilogram of meat is the average weekly consumption of a German.
In 1 year of plant-based nutrition you can save up to 2 tonnes of greenhouse gases and 1.5 million litres of water!
So switching to plant-based food has a real impact on your carbon footprint! Small steps make the difference and with your diet alone you can have a big impact on your environment.
Of course, we don't want to forget the animals. Due to factory farming, about 150 billion animals die every year. That is 4756 animals per second. You personally can save at least 37 animals from this death in 1 year of plant-based nutrition. In addition, farm animals are usually kept under devastating conditions, so that diseases among the animals are not uncommon.
To compensate for this, the animals are given large quantities of antibiotics, which continue to be contained in the meat and end up on the plates. This is not a way of life for the animals and it is not beneficial for your health either.
Unfortunately, that is not all: animals in mass farming often have their beaks and horns clipped or are castrated - without anaesthesia! The pain and conditions that these animals experience in their usually short lives are therefore agonising. To this day, live animal transports that last several days are legal in Germany. The animals are crammed into the smallest of spaces, usually injured, starved and weak. They are driven all over Europe for days on end under extreme conditions.
Here are a few tips on how you can slowly introduce yourself to a vegan, plant-based diet.

6 tips to get you started on a plant-based diet:

These tips can help you gradually move towards a more plant-based diet. Be sure to do your own research. There is now plenty of information online, in books and documentaries on this topic.
1. Try falafel instead of doner kebab and skip the sausage in the stew.
If you have to be quick at lunchtime, the kebab on the corner sounds tempting. The good news is that most kebab stands now even offer vegan options. If not, try falafel in bread. It tastes much better with a clear conscience.
2. Use plain milk instead of whole milk or oat milk in your coffee.
Even on the German sweets shelves, it's almost impossible to avoid vegan alternatives: from hazelnut chocolate to sea salt to white chocolate, there are now many flavours to choose from. The same applies to milk: unfortunately, the dairy industry is no better than the meat industry. But there are now dozens of milk alternatives - from oat, to soy, rice, almond and pea protein milk, it's all there. Just try out what tastes best to you.
3. Fewer additives
Before an additive is approved for food, it has to be tested in safety-toxicological studies - usually in animal experiments. On average, organic products contain fewer additives than conventional food. The motto here is: cooking at home is not only healthier, it also helps you manage your weight and you can easily do your part for animal welfare.
4. Cheat day
If you're in a hurry or don't want to look silly at a BBQ in the park, why not try vegan alternatives? In Germany, we are lucky enough to have vegan alternatives for almost everything from nuggets to "feta cheese" to grilled sausages in most supermarkets. This should not be part of the regular menu as it is less healthy and nutrient dense - like all convenience foods - but it is a healthier and more ethical alternative to the regular burger or pork sausage.
5. Get informed
Netflix has a few exciting documentaries on the subject of veganism, plant-based diets and the positive impact they have on us, the planet and wildlife. These documentaries are a must-see:
  • What the Health
  • Cowspiracy
  • Game Changers
  • Seaspiracy
  • Forks over Knives
A good vegan cookbook can also inspire you to try new dishes, so you don't even notice you're eating "vegan":
  • A selection of cookbooks from Deliciously Ella
  • „Plant over Processed“ by Andrea Hannemann
  • „How not to Die – Cookbook“ by Michael Greger
6. Less is more
You don't have to turn the whole fridge upside down, but you can do your bit with small steps.
By the way: there are a few things you should keep in mind when eating a purely plant-based diet.
Vitamin B12:
Even though the B12 we get from meat no longer occurs naturally and has been specifically administered to animals, a vegan diet can lead to B12 deficiencies. Many milk alternatives and other vegan products are already fortified with B12. Otherwise, you can consider supplementing B12 if that makes sense for you.
Iron, calcium and vitamin D:
Deficiencies in other minerals and trace elements can also occur. Make sure you eat a balanced diet! Include legumes, nuts and seeds as well as different types of vegetables and fruits in your diet. These provide a variety of nutrients and ensure that you are getting enough. A daily walk will replenish your vitamin D stores. If you are deficient, you can also consult a doctor.
Don't worry about protein!
If you eat a balanced and sufficient diet, you will also get enough protein. Soy products such as tofu, tempeh or seitan, but also vegan meat substitutes made from soy or pea protein have sufficient amounts of protein. In addition, legumes such as chickpeas, but also nuts, are a great source of protein! If you don't want to do without your protein shake after the workout, there are now various plant-based protein powders available. A little tip: next time, mix a spoonful of chia seeds into your muesli or salad - you won't taste them, but chia seeds offer a higher protein content than eggs, for example.


In general, it is better to cook fresh at home and avoid additives and preservatives. Go for fruit, vegetables and pulses instead of throwing ready-made products into the shopping trolley.
Try the vegan range in the supermarket - you don't have to change your whole diet, but 2-3 vegan days a week can make a difference. A plant-based diet will benefit your health: your cardiovascular system will be protected and built up, your blood sugar will be stabilised, your risk of various diseases and cancers will be minimised and weight management will be easier.
We are not alone on this planet! Reduce your carbon footprint with a plant-based diet. Then next time you can go on holiday by plane again with a better conscience.