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Weight loss
Marisa HeinzeAugust 14, 2020

The 10 best Exercises to lose Weight

You want a defined and above all fit body? And lose a few pounds in the process?
Then these 10 Functional Fitness exercises are just right for you!
If you do them regularly you will get stronger and firmer muscles - your whole body will become more flexible and defined. At the same time you strengthen your trunk, which will make all exercises more stable and reduce the risk of injury.
Best of all, we'll show you how to adjust the intensity to your level of performance.
The Plank is one of the most important basic exercises for stabilizing your body.
Lie down on a mat in prone position and place your forearms in the upright position. Your hands should point straight forward and your elbows should be under your shoulders.
Then push your torso away from the floor. Only your forearms and the balls of your feet have contact with the floor. Hold this position and observe the following points:
  • Your body should form a straight line. Do not let your pelvis sink or press it too high.
  • Keep your cervical spine straight. Do not look forward, but rather at the point on the floor between your two hands.
  • Do not hold your breath, keep breathing evenly.
If you want to increase the intensity, alternately lift one leg off the floor or pull up one knee sideways towards the elbow.
Plank Toe Touch
Another exercise that strengthens your trunk muscles and can be perfectly integrated into a circuit training is the Plank Toe Touch.
Starting position is the High Plank. To do this, you push yourself upwards from the original Plank position so that your weight rests on the balls of your feet and hands.
Push your buttocks towards the ceiling so that you reach the position of the looking down dog. Release your right hand and touch your left foot with it. Return to the starting position and perform the exercise on the other side.
It is more challenging if you keep your body in a stable line and your right hand and left foot meet in the middle (approximately at hip level).
Russian Twist
Integrate the Russian Twist into your training program to get your oblique abs burning.
Sit on a mat and set your legs at an angle. Lean back slightly with your back and lift your feet slightly into the air.
Then turn your upper body to the left side so that you can touch the floor with your hands. Make sure to turn your entire torso and not just your arms. Rotate back to the middle and further to the right side. Always keep your torso straight and tense your abdominal muscles.
If this is too easy for you, do the exercise with a kettlebell. Hold it in front of your chest with both hands, turn to the side and touch the floor with it before you rotate back again.
The Squat is one of the absolute basic exercises of any training.

Stand with your legs hip to shoulder width and stable on the floor. Bend your knees and thereby move your buttocks down.
Pay particular attention to the following points:
  • Keep your upper body tensed and straight.
  • Bend your knee joints about 90 degrees
  • The knees may move beyond the tips of the toes
Actively push your knees forward and outwards to make room for your buttocks, which are moving downwards.
For more stability, keep your arms stretched out forward, parallel to the ground.
Possibility to increase the stability: Hold a Kettlebell in front of your chest or a dumbbell in both hands. This way you have to push more weight upwards and train the muscles of your lower body more effectively.
Kettlebell Swing
The Kettlebell Swing is a popular exercise in HIIT training because it is demanding and trains almost every muscle in your body.
You need a Kettlebell that you position a few centimetres in front of you, centred on the floor. Stand upright - your legs are positioned a little wider than hip-wide.
Bend your knees until you can grip the kettlebell with both hands. Your back remains tense and straight. Stretch your knees and hips with full force by tensing your gluteus and swing the weight upwards at the same time. Your elbows remain straight. Stop the movement only when the kettlebell has reached head level.
Move back to the starting position without putting the weight on the floor. Be sure to actively brake the weight on the way down. Then swing it up again.
More balance, stability and strength in your legs and buttocks can be achieved with correctly executed lunges.
Stand with your feet hip width apart and put your hands on your hips. Take a big step forward with your left leg and bend your left knee until it reaches a maximum right angle. Your right knee also approaches the floor. However, it remains stretched so that only the tips of your right toes have contact with the ground.
Push yourself back into the starting position and do the exercise with your right leg.
You have the possibility to set a stronger stimulus if you train with weights. To do this, you hold a kettlebell directly in front of your chest or, for extra shoulder strength, with outstretched arms above your head. You can also use dumbbells, which you hold either to the left and right of the body or even upwards to cover.
TRX Pistols
For this exercise you will need a TRX band that you jam in the door (in case you are training at home).
Hold the handles firmly in your hands and bend your elbows so that the band is under tension. Lift your left leg straight forward off the floor. Do a knee bend with your right supporting leg, stretching your arms upwards.
Bend your right knee again to about 90 degrees. The left leg remains in the air continuously.
Push yourself up again and perform the next repetition. Only switch to the other leg after several repetitions.
With the push-up you add another effective basic exercise to your CrossFit training.
Take the High Plank position and tense your entire torso muscles firmly. Then proceed as follows:
  • Bend your elbows...
  • The upper arms remain close to your upper body
  • Sink down so far that your sternum almost touches the mat
  • Your whole body still forms a straight line
  • Push yourself explosively back up again with your exhalation
The push-up becomes more difficult when you get a little out of balance. To achieve this, you place your feet on a gymnastics or medicine ball.
Another possibility is to vary your arm position. If your hands are closer together or farther apart, different muscle groups are also trained.
Glute Bridge
With the Glute Bridge, also known as the shoulder bridge, you mainly train the posterior chain of your body.
Lie down with your back on a gymnastics mat. Position your legs so that the soles of your feet are flat on the floor. Your knees are about far enough apart to allow room for a fist. Put your arms down loosely to the sides.
Press your hips up, forming a straight line from your knees to your shoulders. Hold this position and do not sink down with your buttocks.
It becomes more unstable if you put your heels on a gym ball for this exercise.
The true classic not only trains the entire musculature of your body, but also lets the pounds melt away due to the high calorie consumption.
Stand stable with legs as wide as your hips. Then squat down, bringing your hands to the floor and extending your legs powerfully backwards. From this high plank position, do a push-up. Jump back to the squatting position and from there jump up with arms stretched out. If you land on the floor again, one repetition is complete.
Always stay concentrated with the Burpees - even if it gets exhausting - to perform the exercise cleanly throughout.