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Marisa HeinzeDecember 1, 2021

4 healthy and delicious recipes for protein pancakes

Pancakes are a favorite dessert of most people, be it with jam, chocolate spread, maple syrup or honey. However, many avoid them in the diet, as they are quite high in calories.
However, nowadays, when many different foods are available, it is possible to prepare healthy pancakes with a lower number of calories. These are easy on the stomach, filling and rich in protein.
Below you will find healthy recipes for protein pancakes that can be prepared quickly and sweeten your diet.

Upgrade your diet with protein pancakes

Nutritionists have long agreed that a high-quality breakfast should be rich in protein, which will nourish us throughout the day and prevent hungry overeating at lunchtime. That's why it's good to include protein-rich foods in your morning meal.
When preparing protein pancakes, you can use fresh foods that are rich in protein by themselves. Professional and recreational athletes often replace these foods with whey proteins.

What are the benefits of a high-protein diet?

Proteins are large, extremely complex molecules that play an essential role in building our bodies. They are also the main source for building the internal organs, including the most important ones: the heart and the brain. Furthermore, they are responsible for building muscles, blood, skin, bones and nails.
It is extremely important to consume enough proteins through diet - they constantly renew body cells and give us enough energy to overcome everyday life. Thus, breakfast should be a high-quality and hearty meal of the day that provides us with important nutriments. Accordingly, healthy and delicious protein pancakes are a perfect choice.

4 delicious recipes for protein pancakes

Below you will find four ways to prepare protein pancakes. Whether sweet or relatively savory. You can prepare your pancakes according to your mood or appetite.

"Classic" protein pancakes with oatmeal

25 g oatmeal
25 g lean cottage cheese
2 egg whites
Put all the ingredients in a bowl and mix until you get a uniform mixture. After the mixture is ready, put the pan on the stove and coat it with two to three drops of olive oil. Pour an appropriate amount of the mixture into the heated pan so that the pan surface is covered. Turn the pancake when the edges darken. Place the egg white pancake on a plate and serve with homemade peanut butter and banana pieces.

Banana Egg Protein Pancake

1 egg and 2 egg whites
1 banana
Mash the banana and put it in the blender with the rest of the ingredients. Stir the whole thing with a blender until you get a relatively uniform mixture. Put the pan on the stove and coat it with two to three drops of olive oil. Pour the mixture into the pan once it gets hot. Take the pancakes out onto a plate and serve with additional banana pieces and chocolate coating.
Tip: Prepare slightly smaller pancakes so they don't fall apart when flipped.

Whey pancakes rich in protein

Many people like to add Whey to their protein pancakes. If you then choose Whey with flavor (chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, etc.), the pancakes become even tastier. This healthy option will delight anyone who wants to stay in shape and not compromise their healthy diet.
2 egg whites
100 g ground oatmeal
50 g whey protein (optional)
2 spoonfuls of Whey Protein
half a mashed banana
a small amount of water
Put all the ingredients in a bowl and gradually fill it up with water until you get an even mixture. This should be neither thin nor solid. Lubricate the pan with two to three drops of olive oil. After the pan has warmed up over low heat, you can pour in a small portion of the mixture and spread it on the surface. Allow to brown briefly, then flip to the other side. Put the finished pancakes on a plate and garnish them with strawberry, applesauce or another delicious topping.

Pancakes with blueberries

6 egg whites
50 g oatmeal
1 teaspoon baking powder
120 g almond milk
a pinch of salt
50 g blueberries
Method of preparation:
Put egg whites, oatmeal, baking powder, almond milk and salt in a bowl and mix the ingredients with a mixer until the mixture becomes uniform. Now add the blueberries and stir just briefly to get small blueberry pieces. Place the pan on the stove and coat it with two to three drops of olive oil. Pour the mixture into the hot pan and flip the pancake once the edges have darkened. Arrange the baked pancakes on a plate and sprinkle with a little cinnamon and toppings of your choice.

Egg white pancakes - a healthy option

If we're struggling with extra pounds or avoiding high-carbohydrate foods for some reason, we're likely to think that we can't even think about pancakes. However, there is a healthy solution: we can enjoy protein-rich pancakes without any regrets!
Protein pancakes are not much different from regular pancakes. It's true that there may be some differences in taste and texture - this is perfectly normal, as they have a higher protein content. However, delicious protein pancakes have great advantages: they are quick to prepare, they are filling and provide long-lasting energy. Their protein content makes them suitable for athletes and all people who want to reduce the intake of carbohydrates. Their taste is neutral, so we can prepare a salty and sweet variant of pancakes.