- Please wash your hands and disinfect them after entering the club
- Please wash your hands and disinfect them before leaving the club
- Please disinfect all equipment after usage
- Please change to clean training shoes in the entrance area
- Required: towel usage for your training – please bring your own towel
- Please avoid touching your face while training
- High fives and handshakes are not allowed. Please avoid all body contact
- Keep enough distance to others in all areas
- Partner exercises or body contact with others training should be avoided
- Our showers and changing rooms are open again in all clubs.
Very important:
Please note that you will NOT be allowed access to our club if you are feeling sick, if you are experiencing fever or difficulty breathing, if you have a cough, or if you have in contact with a person that is presumed or confirmed to be COVID-19 positive.
If you are within the risk group for this virus and you have questions, feel free to contact your club manager via phone or e-mail. You can find the contact details for your club on the respective page of the website. Please let us know if there is anything, we can do for you.
We appeal to your own personal and social responsibilities when interacting with others. Thank you for your understanding and your support in this matter.